Personal Business العربية

Instant Loan

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"One Step Towards Easier and Faster Financing "

Program outline: Instant Loan is a service that offers funding to assist you in fulfilling your immediate needs. The loan amount will be calculated based on your available credit card limit, and you will be able to pay your installments over your preferred periods of time.  

  • The service is offered through the Contact Center.
  • The Instant Loan amount must not exceed 80% of the available credit card limit.
  • The minimum loan amount is 200 JOD.
  • If the customer fails to repay two Instant Loan payments in a row, the plan will be canceled, and the remaining amount, along with the calculated interest, will be treated as a credit card transaction.
  • A commission fee of 3% will be calculated of the loan amount.
  • The customer can repay the loan up to 18 months (3,6,9,12,18 months) with 1% monthly interest.
  • Or The customer can repay the loan with the card’s balance and calculate the applied repayment percentage.
  • The commission, interest, and instant loan amount must not exceed the maximum credit card limit.

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